Friday, August 8, 2008

Finally what you have been waiting for... 1st post!! YEAH!!

Last time i posted, i did not know what to write... so i saw a couple of other journals to get me inspired so this is my version...

For this couple of weeks i have just started my high school years in Madania. New uniform, new teachers, new classes but yet old faces. After failing too much in junior high academically, i thought i wouldn't make the grade in high school but it turned out just fine for me. The homeworks until today hasn't been as hard or as mind-drilling as i thought i would've been.

Ive even surprised myself that i could cope with the mathematics, biology, physics & chemistry lessons until today. What i found hard to cope with in junior high seems plain sailing for me although it did take a bit of work to get into the learning mood...

I would like to pick up on where Gary left where he described "First Impressions" on his blog at facebook... People tend to judge other people based on their first impressions and i get a lot of bad first impressions on people, and as Gary also said that "First Impressions" doesn't matter, which also i get a lot of. People has bad impressions at me at the beginning but sees me not that bad once you get to know me more, but i would also love to have a great first impression!!

So yeah... that's my journal for this week Bu Dina... hope i get a nice first impression on my newly-improved post :D

1 comment:

Dina said...

I am always impressed with you, Dhika! I'd be even more impressed if you kept up your weekly RLJs.

Excellent first post!