Thursday, August 14, 2008

2nd Journal

Now as u explained to us about how our journals should be like, i would like to use another method to my blog with Q's & A's...

Q: What did i do well this week?
A: Maybe my Indie Biz presentation, but i dont know if it was that good enough but for me i thought i did pretty well concerning the lack of practice...

Q: What do i need to improve?
A: Practice is one - but the power of will is bigger

Q: What are my priorities this week?
A: Help me Indie Biz mates to improve and to sell

Q: What is my motivation?
A: Well the biggest happening this week is the Indie Biz project, so my motivation is getting alot of money this Monday... :D

Q: What helps me study?
A: Depends on the current mood. Sometimes i would like to learn while listening music and sometimes i would like peace & quiet to my surroundings

Q: What makes it difficult to learn?
A: When people intimidate me while learning in class or when the class is noisy - it makes it difficult to focus, and without the focus i can't learn...

So this is my 2nd journal, hope you like it...

1 comment:

Dina said...

Not bad for a second post. Relax and let the words flow, kid! This is me you're talking to!!!

Good, you set goals...good luck with it!!