Tuesday, October 21, 2008

#5-- SOULNATION ROCKED!!!... 'til my cellphone got STOLEN!!

Well yeah... i went on Friday to Soulnation to watch Akon perform and of course other artists like RAN, Aditya, and Maliq & D'Essentials. The tickets definitely motivated me a lot to wait for Friday which made it difficult for me to focus on the week's studies (also it was the first week back from school so focusing wouldnt be that easy even with or without the Soulnation Festival coming.

Too bad now i need to keep my head straight so my cellphone wouldnt get stolen again. I was to focused on the show i didnt realize that the cellphone in my pocket dissappeared. So i was replying a message and put it back into my pocket. At that time the fans were like running everywhere and it started to get crowded it fas full and because i wasnt focused, cellphone was now nowhere in sight.

Now im trying to become a bit more focused on learning and i finally can understand some other teachers - yet the girls in my class still gets on my nerve. And what did i do well this week? how about singing every single word in the Akon concert? yeah i like that...

P.S. I just shaved my head
P.S.S. i have a new cellphone (but same type, only different colour), and a new number: 085695978439
P.S.S. i made a new blog to write my rants about the beautiful game called "Soccer" and anything related to that : http://falsecettorants.blogspot.com

Saturday, August 30, 2008

3rd Journal

A new entry for the last 2 weeks... Sorry Bu Dina

Q: What did i do well this week?
A: Couldnt think of anything good that i did well this week, but i hope ive done well on my Biology & Math tests.

Q: What do i need to improve?
A: Again - learning & focusing.

Q: What are my priorities this week?
A: After the Indie Biz project i have a new priority this week - get through school while fasting.

Q: What is my motivation?
A: Collect back the homeworks to get effort scores (if the teachers do give it nowadays).

Q: What helps me study?
A: Focusing on the teachers words. For some reason i can only understand a few teachers of what they are trying to say.

Q: What makes it difficult to learn?
A: The class usually. Even though there are only 7 girls in class, they do make hell of a noise. Abet is one also. His temper can get hotter than Jessica Alba in a Sauna, and he also disturbs the class with his nonsense but what can we do? He's a special needs person...

This is my 3rd Journal, and you can count this as my 4th as well...

Thursday, August 14, 2008

2nd Journal

Now as u explained to us about how our journals should be like, i would like to use another method to my blog with Q's & A's...

Q: What did i do well this week?
A: Maybe my Indie Biz presentation, but i dont know if it was that good enough but for me i thought i did pretty well concerning the lack of practice...

Q: What do i need to improve?
A: Practice is one - but the power of will is bigger

Q: What are my priorities this week?
A: Help me Indie Biz mates to improve and to sell

Q: What is my motivation?
A: Well the biggest happening this week is the Indie Biz project, so my motivation is getting alot of money this Monday... :D

Q: What helps me study?
A: Depends on the current mood. Sometimes i would like to learn while listening music and sometimes i would like peace & quiet to my surroundings

Q: What makes it difficult to learn?
A: When people intimidate me while learning in class or when the class is noisy - it makes it difficult to focus, and without the focus i can't learn...

So this is my 2nd journal, hope you like it...

Friday, August 8, 2008

Finally what you have been waiting for...

...my 1st post!! YEAH!!

Last time i posted, i did not know what to write... so i saw a couple of other journals to get me inspired so this is my version...

For this couple of weeks i have just started my high school years in Madania. New uniform, new teachers, new classes but yet old faces. After failing too much in junior high academically, i thought i wouldn't make the grade in high school but it turned out just fine for me. The homeworks until today hasn't been as hard or as mind-drilling as i thought i would've been.

Ive even surprised myself that i could cope with the mathematics, biology, physics & chemistry lessons until today. What i found hard to cope with in junior high seems plain sailing for me although it did take a bit of work to get into the learning mood...

I would like to pick up on where Gary left where he described "First Impressions" on his blog at facebook... People tend to judge other people based on their first impressions and i get a lot of bad first impressions on people, and as Gary also said that "First Impressions" doesn't matter, which also i get a lot of. People has bad impressions at me at the beginning but sees me not that bad once you get to know me more, but i would also love to have a great first impression!!

So yeah... that's my journal for this week Bu Dina... hope i get a nice first impression on my newly-improved post :D

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

First thing i should say...

It is still my first post bu dina... Ill do my journal maybe about Friday... ok? thx